Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Homefront haps

Meet my new bestie...

I'd say we go way back..but's not true. Give me a hammer and a nail and I'm set. But this guy has always scared me a bit.

Not anymore. I've conquered the electric drill my friends...and she..(yeah he's transformed into a she).. Scary? Not so much. A bit of impatience, a husband out of town on business and some new cabinet pulls from Anthropologie had me googling things do you change a drill bit? (yep..I had no idea how to even change the bit.) and what size bit should you use to install new cabinet hardware? After a few minutes on I was on a mission.

Thank you Google. You sort of rock. And so do my new cabinet pulls.

After this little project panned out and I managed to not drill into any of my flesh I was feeling all I am woman, hear me roarish.. so I headed to the backyard. Decided that I should hang this little vintage chandy that has been collecting dust in the back of my closet. Hung it from a tree branch. It now hangs above our backyard table and I quite like it. And for the record..I'm pretty sure that my neighbor thinks I'm a weirdo after he saw me standing on top of the backyard table trying to fling twine around a tree branch. He's probably right.

Once I get started there's sort of no stopping me. I was bound and determined to whittle down my ever growing list of things I want to do around the house. Enter white spray paint. It's my new obsession. Bestie..not so much. Too smelly. But really does give new life to things that just aren't doing it for me anymore. Take note hubby..if you see me spraying a can of glossy white Rust-oleum your way..we have issues. ;)

Goodbye dull brown rod iron thingy..hello fresh white and a bit chippy (thanks to my favorite faux aging effect..scraping the paint with a pumpkin carving tool thingy.)

Me likey.

ignore our naked french doors..there was a little painting accident with our roman shades..still trying to find new ones.

And speaking of likey. A long, warm bath as a reward for crossing off a few things off my list..oh and also to clean out all of the white spray paint that ended up under my fingernails.

Just in time for St. Patty's day..found this little guy growing in our backyard. It's no four leafer..but hey..I was still excited to find this happily sprouting in the yard.

Happy St. Patty's Day! Now go drink some green beer and may the luck of the Irish be with you today. (What does that saying really mean anyway??? I just thought it sounded kinda cool). Anyway, carry on. Make it a good one. :)



Peggy March 20, 2011 at 12:36 PM  

Well, I have to admit I was a bit worried about the placement of your new pulls, but after seeing the pics, I think they look great! So proud that you managed to use the drill without any bloody mishaps.
The older you get the more and more you remind me of myself. A traveling husband forces one to be very independent, and resourceful. Especially when patience aren't a strong suit.
F.Y.I - Please Do Not lite those candles you strung up on your tree!!!

Drea0328 April 1, 2011 at 11:58 AM  

hahaa.... yes please do not lite the candles! Hi Peggy! We miss you! Come visit us!
So Erin... I know how to "comment" now, yay! I love what you did with the iron frame over the sliding doors! Very nice! You are very inspiring...sitting in my kitchen looking at all the, I might need your help neighbs :-)

About This Blog

I'm a wife, daughter, sister and auntie. I'm a lover of life and all things good in this world. I adore sunshine, green tea and my husband's smile. I believe that you can create your own happiness and this is the little space where I choose to document mine. Hope you enjoy a peek into my life in the fun lane and thank you so very much for reading.


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