Thursday, March 31, 2011


So I have this really fantastic friend who also happens to be my neighbor..lucky me. And with a husband who travels quite a bit for work it's awfully nice having her so close by. I often call her my second husband..because seriously..she sort of is. Like when I got a flat tire a few weeks ago on the freeway while Jim was out of town and she was there in like five minutes to rescue me. See.. my second husband. So.. second husband..also known as Drea.. made a 30x30 list. Thirty things she wanted to do before she turned for the past couple of weeks our entire group of friends have been scrambling to help her accomplish the things on her list.. since the big day was fast approaching. And when she has things like.. ditch work on a Monday, drink martinis and have a Sex and the City marathon with girlfriends..well it's really not that hard to play along. By the way..I highly suggest drinking cosmos and lounging with your girlfriends on a's pretty amazing.

Anyway, all of this rambling to tell you that we went to the Botanical Gardens this of the last things she needed to check off the list. And all I could think about the whole time have I never done this before? The Garden is literally fifteen minutes away and I've never gone to take in the beauty of our desert.. never gone to see the butterflies flutter overhead in the atrium. And right there, under that sunny sky I made a vow to myself. I will remember to take advantage of all of the amazing things our city has to offer..because when I do.....I love where I live even more. It is really easy to get stuck in the routine of everyday life and forget to get out there and see and do more. Well..I can tell you one thing..I'm venturing out more baby...and I know I won't regret it.

Behold..the wild flower garden..

aren't cactus so funny looking?? So weird that they're kinda cute.

Our beautiful desert

I heart shadow pics..

My favorite tree..

Drea's favorite tree..
(don't tell her but her tree kind of creeps me out..)

Our last stop..the butterfly atrium. It was incredible!! If you live in the Phoenix area.. I urge you..go check it out. The exhibit will be around until Mother's Day. It's beautiful.

Loving this quote at the moment....

You only live once, but if you work it right, once is enough.

So true! Thankful for my dear friend and her little list which made me realize something pretty big.



Drea0328 April 1, 2011 at 11:48 AM  

Ohhh I absolutely love the pics! and the sweet summary of the day wifey/neighbs :-) Glad you had fun! Thanks so much for being part of the 30x30 festivities! Love you!

About This Blog

I'm a wife, daughter, sister and auntie. I'm a lover of life and all things good in this world. I adore sunshine, green tea and my husband's smile. I believe that you can create your own happiness and this is the little space where I choose to document mine. Hope you enjoy a peek into my life in the fun lane and thank you so very much for reading.


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