Thursday, July 29, 2010

Treasure Hunting

I love the thrill of "the find" like most people but the hunt in itself is just as thrilling for me. I call it treasure hunting and it really should be considered a hobby. Some people run marathons or play tennis or crochet. I treasure hunt. I'm pretty sure that the heavens open and angels sing when the double doors at Homegoods open and the cold air conditioning envelopes me. Sounds dramatic I know...but it's really that good...I swear. I love being welcomed by white ceramic tureens, pewter platters and peculiar elephant figurines. I proceed to stroll down every aisle sifting through dusty dishes and crystal candlestick holders beckoning to be given a home. Even if I don't bring any treasures home with me and often times I don't..I am fulfilled from just the hunt. I realize this probably sounds weird and Jim thinks I need to attend Homegoods anonymous but treasure hunting makes my day. And since the apple never falls far from the tree.. my mom also has a shared love of treasure hunting. There is hardly a visit home when we don't look at each other and say, "Let's go see what's happening at Homegoods today!"

So after running few errands the other day I went treasure hunting and gasp..cheated on Homegoods. I stopped in at another great hunting spot called My Sister's Attic which is a local home furnishing consignment shop. They have a mixture of antiques and newer items as well as some super random things. Most of the time I end up simply hunting there and usually leave without anything..but this time..

I found a little treasure which is the icing on my treasure hunting cake. And at $'s totally chocolate icing. I knew this little thing belonged in our home and thought she'd be a great addition to our console table.
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But first I decided to lighten her up a bit. I slapped on some cream paint followed by a little distressing with a kitchen knife and voila!

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She has found her happy home on the bottom shelf of our console table.

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Happy treasure hunting!!!


About This Blog

I'm a wife, daughter, sister and auntie. I'm a lover of life and all things good in this world. I adore sunshine, green tea and my husband's smile. I believe that you can create your own happiness and this is the little space where I choose to document mine. Hope you enjoy a peek into my life in the fun lane and thank you so very much for reading.


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