Friday, January 6, 2012

Weekly Love Listing

Little moments that made me smile this week..

a. Packing away my flannel pj's (hello 70 degree and sunny weather) only to discover these ridiculousy cozy and super obnoxious fleece pj's that I forgot I had. You know the kind I'm talking about. They are like wearing a freaking bulky fleece blanket wrapped around your not flattering but so worth the extra 10 pounds they add to the bod because
yes...indeed..they are that comfy. Pretty sure the hubby rolled his eyes behind my back when I cheerfully sauntered down the stairs sporting my rediscovered fat pants.

b. Let's go back to the 70 degree weather mentioned above.'s been amazing out..just the right weather for a little hike with my lovely friend and neighbor.

c. Actually remembering to use my super cute reusable grocery bags. Makes me feel like such a lil' do gooder. Love when I remember to pull them out of the trunk and actually bring them in the store. Note to self: driving around with cute reusable bags will not save the planet. Actually using them may help.

d. Impromptu duets between husband and I. Here's how this scene plays out. He thinks of the most annoying song on the planet and begins singing it loud for me to hear and get annoyed by..then annoying song which also has catchy lyrics gets in my head and I too begin singing the song. Before we know it we are both belting out some super off pitch rendition of Alanis Morissette's- "Isn't it Ironic." And well...I actually think it's pretty funny and really just pretend to be annoyed.

e. sunroof open, hair blowing and music blaring. The only way to drive around town in my book. Me likey.

f. Friday night champagne toast with the hubs for no reason at all..besides the fact that it's Friday. Bubbly + husband=2 of my all time fav things.

Going to try my best to do a weekly love list every single week. I know, I know..what happened to also doing my Favorite things each month!?!? Well...consistency has never been one of my strengths. Just ask my dental floss. Just kidding. Sort of.

Hope your week is fantastic!!!

About This Blog

I'm a wife, daughter, sister and auntie. I'm a lover of life and all things good in this world. I adore sunshine, green tea and my husband's smile. I believe that you can create your own happiness and this is the little space where I choose to document mine. Hope you enjoy a peek into my life in the fun lane and thank you so very much for reading.


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